Sadly, global bird populations are in decline, according to numerous ornithological studies, and there are many culprits. Loss of wildlife habitat, overexploitation, and climate change are some...
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Wind power is praised for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, boosting energy security, creating jobs, and producing low-cost power, but it also has some drawbacks, so let's look at both the...
Not surprisingly, higher-speed winds cause wind turbines to rotate very quickly. However, many people are shocked by how fast the tips of utility-scale wind turbine blades move, especially if they...
Wind turbine blades have a difficult job with some very harsh working conditions on earth. They must be stiff and strong enough to withstand the elements day in and day out. Yet, they also need to be...
As the world seeks cleaner sources of electricity, renewable energy is heralded for not burning fossil fuels to produce energy. For example, solar panels use sunlight to generate electricity, while...
One common design element among horizontal-axis wind turbines is that they virtually always have three blades. But how do wind turbine engineers decide to use three blades, and not two or even four...